It is very aptly said that keeping an eye on your competitors is very vital as you come to know the industry trends and the updates of the real world. You also come to know or get an idea about what is working in the market and what isn’t. You may also get an idea of what might or might not work for you.
In this article, we will share our views on why competitive analysis is important while creating your website
Sometimes it saves in extra efforts
It is difficult for small scale or medium scale companies to try out different new marketing techniques as trials cost a lot of money. If the method fails then they have to incur huge losses. Hence for small and medium scale industries, competitive analysis is important to study the customer behavior to a particular method or idea so that they can implement it for themselves in their own unique way.
Keeps you motivated
Healthy competition is always necessary to keep you motivated to do better. When your competitor’s website is getting more hits or views then you automatically work even harder on your own website trying to make it more user-friendly and effective. Being in the race always helps as you are always on your toes to do better.
You get to know what works for you and what doesn’t
In the process of competitive analysis, you analyse websites similar to yours. You get to study their color scheme, their themes, their audience, their methods of targeting, their web pages, the placement of various tabs and lots more. You get to know what to do and what not to do. You also get to know what things are required to be implemented and how to implement those things.
The number of good back links is directly proportional to the people’s trust on the website. If your competitor has good back links then you should make it a point to target your site for those good quality back links. There are many tools available which can help you with your competitor’s back links.
At Bright Pixel we make sure we include the process of competitive analysis in the design research process to come out with unique, optimum, and best website for you!
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