When A tells something to B, it is communication.
When A sells something to B- by communicating the benefits, it is marketing.
When a company does it in the media through smart pictures and words- it is advertising.
Well, when do it across the internet by choosing social media–it is digital marketing company in Pune. Now in the digital world- the specialized tool to promote your brand multifold is social media marketing. The key social media that are hot today are Facebook, Instagram. Next, are Linked in for specific segments. Twitter can be strategically used by coining strategic, meaningful hashtags and trending them. Like any advertising, brand promotion media, social media marketing agency needs a micro focussed brief. The brief should cover brand differentiators, target group ( TG), its buying behaviour, geographics. This enables the agency to promote the brand in a more effective way.
What you can social media marketing for!
You can promote the brand name- as a name game and the brand image. Further, it can gain the brand a higher TOP OF THE MIND RECALL. This is important because the consumer is bombarded with multiple messages every day through multiple media- and every brand is out to grab his attention.
How to get better results in social media marketing
- Firstly it should be consistently done by using the findings of the analysis of the brand brief. The initial phase can be one full year.
- The posts should be made strategically and creatively. They, of course, are brand promotion posts.
- The second type is adding a creativity by covering the point of interest of the consumer- establishing a channel of communication between the brand and the viewer.
- Thirdly they can be purely of social interest like Mother’s day, friendship day, children’s day- or save the environment, save water.
- Such creative posts get spread faster, promoting the product.
- Lastly monitoring the response is of equal importance.
Why is choosing social media effective?
Mobiles and Internet users have reached a great number today. Last year, mobile users in India were 1131 mln. There are 72 260 000 Instagram users in India. Facebook now has 241 million active users in India. Linked in and Twitter also has reached a massive proportion. By the strategic mode, you can instantly reach all these people. Compared print ads you can use images, short videos on these media to get more attention, effect, and recall.
Is social media marketing expensive?
Frankly, no-compare to print, press, TV, Radio the cost per month is much lower. The budget varies according to target growth, consumer, and geographics. Yet one can recommend Rs 20,000 Media budget per month for better results.
Bright Pixel is one unique, creative agency who burns the midnight oil for brand promotion of its clients- day in and day out. It has a specialized wing for social media marketing, website design, SEO marketing, and graphic design.
It has a proficient way to help the client stretch the Rupee and thus promote the brand multifold in the time-bound mode.
Have a look at its website- the work will speak for itself.
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