Steuart Henderson Britt rightly said — ‘Doing business without advertising is like winking at a girl in the dark. You know what you are doing but nobody else does.’ The journey of an advertising agency from a startup to a full-blown entity is worth understanding. In the beginning, just like a swiss army knife, you have to do everything yourself and get into minute details with your small team. You need to make the ad creative. If you fail to do it, your designer has to take the front seat. From idea conception to execution you need to take due care at each step. With time you learn to delegate.
As an agency, your key task is to market someone else’s products or services. If the product or service is mediocre, ad pays to generate business. In case the product or service is premium, the owner pays to advertise. As well quoted by Henry Ford “Stopping advertising to save money is like stopping your watch to save time.” It is the primary duty of Digital Marketing agency in Pune, for instance, to make sure that customers repeat the purchase and create positive word of mouth. Mouth publicity works wonders in the initial phase.
These days, in the market there, exist numerous products for a single purpose but you choose to buy only the one that you know inside out. The key goal of an advertising agency is to strategically lend support to the goods, services, and the public image of its customer base. Majority of target audience not only remember their ads but also get motivated and feel the need to buy the product due to the benefits that it provides.
Advertising agencies have been aiding their customers in building brand awareness. At present, although, ad agencies assist their clients deliver a complete brand experience. Once-upon-a-time branding was a costly affair and involved costly campaign of full-page advertisement to generate a memorable brand image. Today, to create an entire brand experience, ad agencies assist clients redefine what the product or service means to every department, right from marketing and support to customer service. And they support to achieve it with a multi-media style that might comprise print, digital and outdoor ads. It also includes scheduled social media posting and a regularly updated company blog, public relations events, and statements. The print media marketing agency also makes sure that the message that the brand wants to communicate is apparent in all company resources, right from brochures to case studies to white papers.
Ad agency act as revenue generator. The clients invest in marketing and advertising to create premium leads. Ad agencies are aware that their clients want to have hands-on data on how successful their efforts have been in generating quality leads, and agencies promptly gather and analyze that information. In case, several quality leads were generated, the ad agency suggests carrying out more parallel activity. If results were not up to expectations, they’ll analyze the reason why and form new tactics.
Whereas ad agencies such as space branding agency in Pune earlier measured their job as well done when substantial leads were produced, now agencies are gradually working with clients on closing the sale more efficiently and more frequently. They’re involved right from analyzing closing techniques to forming closer scripts that comprise the client’s brand message, product benefits and proven sales methods.
With time, the journey of ad agency has evolved. Social Media marketing company in Pune, Bright Pixel has off late been known as one of the promising creative ad agencies. It started its journey in 2010 in Pune and with passing years has carved a niche in the industry as a sound marketer. Strike the iron, when it’s hot; now is the right time to advertise. Choose to work with Bright Pixel for your advertising needs and help your business grow manifold.
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